Minnur Yunusov Senior Drupal Developer Follow
April 10, 2024
admin dialogs module on post it note

Small innovations can have a big impact. The paperclip was just a bent piece of wire that somebody repurposed in the late 19th century and we all now have in our desks. The Post-It note was just a low-grade adhesive applied to a piece of paper before it became a key office supply.

As a developer and user, I found myself getting frustrated when my workflow was interrupted by frequent page reloads. I came up with a simple idea for saving time called the Admin Dialogs module. It displays forms and log messages in a dialog (modal) window, rather than opening a new page, reducing the number of page loads. It is easy to install, accommodates most Drupal core page dialogs, and complements the Admin Toolbar module nicely.

In my Admin Dialogs blog from last spring, I discuss its features in detail and explain how to install it. Aside from a few bugs that I’ve fixed, it appears to be working well, and the 200-plus sites using it are reporting trouble-free use. I am actively adding more experimental features to improve the module’s UI. So far I have added an option that can be enabled to display a loader animation inside the primary submit buttons when the button is clicked.

The Admin Dialogs module is one of at least 94 Drupal contributor projects that Chapter Three has led or supported to date. From major initiatives like Next.js for Drupal (Next-Drupal) and Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart, to simpler contributions like the Menu Delete feature and the Language Suggestion module, we’re always looking for opportunities to innovate and give back to the Drupal community.

I have personally worked on 26 Drupal projects to date, ranging from Document OCR, which I discussed in a recent post on turning PDFs into HTML to a simple Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) module that I developed back in 2017. I’m just one of many regular contributors and innovators on the Chapter Three team. We all look for opportunities to make life easier for Drupal users and innovate accordingly. 

Contact us today to learn more about what we do here at Chapter Three and how we can apply our spirit of innovation to your web platform!