Our minds and hearts were full as BADCamp 2016 came to a close. It was overflowing with excellent presentations and the best of the community. Our team led a Drupal 8 training, presented in the Front End Summit, and held a few presentations and sessions along the way. Here are a few of the recordings:
The Slice Template
Zakiya Khabir and Nica Lorber
This talk EXPLAINS what the Slice Template is, different development tactics for creating it, and challenges we’ve seen crafting content for it.
Deep Dive into Drupal 8
With Arlina Espinosa
Object-oriented structures are replacing our all too familiar hooks, enabling us to extend Drupal with new functionality without hacking core (or other contrib modules). But how does this all work? Arlina's talk explains the details.
Golang for PHP Devs
With Mark Ferree
Much like PHP, Go is a programming language designed for the Internet. Unlike PHP, Go is designed for the Internet in the second decade of the 21st century.
Desktop to Mobile: Why Your Themer Cries
With Zakiya Khabir
By now we should all know that a mobile-first approach is ideal for a successful responsive website. But, out there in the real world, despite all the blog posts and best intentions, some projects require converting an existing desktop site or design into a responsive website.