October 30, 2015
At Chapter Three we have a Slack channel dedicated to sharing tech news, interesting articles, and general internet malarkey. On Friday we hold a sacred event called “Sharing Fridays” in which we share our findings with all of our team in a curated lunchtime battle of the interwebz.
Here’s what we shared for this week:
- An official Drupal 8 Release Date? Hold onto your hats for November 19th!
- Piwik - Powerful and full-featured analytics you can self-host, neato. Looks like they have a cloud-hosted solution as well.
- Our friend Greg Anderson wrote a post on Pantheon.io about Avoiding “Dependency Hell” with Site-Local Drush.
- Distill is a Drupal module that enables other modules to extract and format data from Drupal entities. Powerful data abstraction.
- Dave Reid has created a Drush Patch File project to help better maintain your projects’ patches.
- It’s happening - OpenSSH for Windows… From Microsoft.
- Our own Jacine Luisi’s book “The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7” has been put up on GitBook (for free!)
- Sarah Drasner’s “Designing Complex SVG Animations” presentation is on-point. Voted “Best-Of” at CSSDevConf.
- Group Messages Come to Slack and the interface changes slightly (mixed opinions). Thankfully CMD + K is still around for swift-switching.
- Twitch.tv is bought the rights to The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross and is hosting a marathon. This is not a drill. The Twitch Creative section is also pretty interesting.
- Git2Go is a Git client for iOS, and it’s pretty nice. General consensus is to use for viewing repos, not so much editing and pushing.
- Business Insider: Apple says IBM is saving $270 for every Mac it uses instead of a Windows PC. Oh how the times have changed.
- Brenna O’Brien has a great presentation on Creative Typography with SVG.
- We have an Instagram. Follow us. You can expect photos of #puppies and #food.