Dreditor is a beloved and indispensable tool, in the form of a browser extension, that enhances project issue pages on Drupal.org. When it comes to reviewing patches, it turns what would just be a plain text file into a feature rich interface for reviewing patches, allowing users to easily select and comment on lines of code, which then get pasted into the comment form, as properly formatted HTML.
I've been lucky to have some extra community time here at Chapter Three over the past couple of weeks. While perusing the core issue queue, I decided to resurrect an old User Style I created for Dreditor back in 2009, and give Dreditor a little refresh. You can install the Dreditor Refresh style with Stylish here. Make sure you also have Dreditor installed, and have logged into Drupal.org.
Happy contributing! Enjoy!
UPDATE: Work is happing to implement the enhancements Dreditor brings to Drupal.org directly, which is great. You can follow along and help out here: https://www.drupal.org/node/1673278