My installation settings:
- Drupal 7
- WYSIWYG Version 7.x-2.2+73-dev
- ckeditor 4.5.1
Client requirements.
I created a simple CKeditor plugin that allows non-technical writers to change the text of a URL only by selecting (partially) the link and editing the content in a prompt.
This small plugin allows the end users to avoid typos or deleting the URL by mistake.
In order to make this plugin work in Drupal, I needed to create a plugin for the WYSIWYG Drupal module (the Drupal way).
Plugin demo:
The Drupal 7 Module:
Drupal 7 module structure:
- ckeditor_linkchange/ <- Drupal 7 Module folder. - plugins/ - linkchange/ <- Actual ckeditor plugin. - <- Drupal 7 info file. - ckeditor_linkchange.module <- Drupal 7 module file.
This file declares our module and its dependencies:
name = "Ckeditor linkchange plugin" description = "Adds the ability to change the text or a url with the linkchange button (CKEditor)" package = Custom dependencies[] = wysiwyg core = 7.x
The `hook_wysiwyg_plugin()` lets the WYSIWYG module know that we have a new plugin available.
<?php /** * Implements hook_wysiwyg_plugin(). * */ function ckeditor_linkchange_wysiwyg_plugin($editor, $version) { $plugins = array(); switch ($editor) { case 'ckeditor': if ($version > 4) { $plugins['linkchange'] = array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'ckeditor_linkchange') . '/plugins/linkchange', 'filename' => 'plugin.js', 'load' => TRUE, 'buttons' => array( 'linkchange' => t('Linkchange'), ), ); } break; } return $plugins; }
In my case I checked that the ckeditor version is superior to version number 4.
the array $plugins['linkchange'] contains the path to the plugin and the buttons parameter which allows this plugin to be enabled from the WYSIWYG UI (admin/config/content/wysiwyg/).
The CKeditor plugin:
- linkchange/ - dialogs/ - linkchange.js - icons/ - linkchange.png - plugin.js
(function($) { CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'linkchange', { icons: 'linkchange', init: function( editor ) { editor.addCommand( 'linkchange', new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand( 'linkchangeDialog' ) ); editor.ui.addButton( 'linkchange', { label: 'Link text change', command: 'linkchange', toolbar: 'linkchange' }); if ( editor.contextMenu ) { editor.addMenuGroup( 'linkchangeGroup' ); editor.addMenuItem( 'linkchangeItem', { label: 'Change link', icon: this.path + 'icons/linkchange.png', command: 'linkchange', group: 'linkchangeGroup' }); editor.contextMenu.addListener( function( element ) { if ( element.getAscendant( 'linkchange', true ) ) { return { abbrItem: CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF }; } }); } CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'linkchangeDialog', this.path + 'dialogs/linkchange.js' ); } }); })(jQuery)
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'linkchangeDialog', function( editor ) { return { title: 'Text link change', minWidth: 400, minHeight: 200, contents: [ { id: 'tab-basic', label: 'Basic Settings', elements: [ { type: 'text', id: 'txtchng', label: 'Text update', setup: function( element ) { this.setValue( element.getText() ); }, commit: function( element ) { element.setText( this.getValue() ); } } ] } ], onShow: function() { var selection = editor.getSelection(); var element = selection.getStartElement(); this.element = element; if(element.$.nodeName === "A") { // Only if it's and anchor. this.setupContent( this.element ); } else { this.hide(); } }, onOk: function() { var txt = this.element; this.commitContent( txt ); if ( this.insertMode ) editor.insertElement( txt ); } }; });
The complete module can be found here you can take it as reference to implement yours.