Stephanie Canon Managing Partner Follow
November 12, 2010

This weekend the San Francisco Bay Area Drupal community will host the fourth Annual Bay Area Drupal Camp (BADCamp). Organized by Jen Lampton, Matt Cheney, and myself from Chapter Three; Tao Starbow (GoingOn), Chris Bryant (Gravitek Labs), John Faber (Commerce Guys), Brian Wood (UC Berkeley), and Crystal Williams; BADcamp is shaping up to be a fabulous event with a stellar lineup of speakers from around the Drupal community.

The event will be keynoted by Angie “webchick” Byron (Drupal 7 Co-Maintainer, Lullabot) with guest appearances from Earl “merlinofchaos” Miles (Views, Panels, IO1), Neil Drumm (Drupal 5 Co-Maintainer, Drupal.org Redesign Architect), Nate “quicksketch” Haug (Webform, Flag, Lullabot), Jeff Robbins (Lullabot, Orbit), Alex Urevick-Ackelsberg (Zivtech), David Strauss (Pressflow, Pantheon, Four Kitchens), Jay Batson (Co-Founder Acquia, Drupal Commons), Károly “chx” Négyesi (Drupal Core, Examiner), Larry “crell” Garfield (Drupal Core, Palantir), and many more legends and luminaries.

We are big fans of the Drupal Community here at Chapter Three and believe the long term success of Drupal depends on maintaining the wonderful culture of our open source community. I helped organize DrupalCon SF last April to help grow that culture and am looking forward to another great Drupal community event this year at BADCamp.

This year’s camp will kick off on Friday with a free Drupal training on the UC Berkeley campus taught by our Director of Training Jen Lampton and other community members. Saturday will be packed full of amazing sessions and Sunday will feature a combination of a code sprint, a “Users Helping Users” room, and even more sessions.

Come by the camp this weekend to see a full line up of Chapter Three speakers,

It should be a wonderful event and invite everyone to come down to
experience some Drupal magic on the UC Berkeley campus this weekend.