SF and Washington Examiner Case Study

We gave the SF and Washington Examiner websites a brand new look and feel, migrated them to Drupal, and revamped their information architecture. Adapting a classic brand for the web...

What's Drupal and How Do I Get Started?

Dear Chapter Three, I'm looking for a job and I'm fairly tech savvy. I've considered taking classes for web design and media, but a friend told me that I should learn Drupal... but I've never heard of it before. What exactly is Drupal and where do I start? Sincerely, Jonny

Wordpress vs Drupal - The Saga Continues

I get a lot of emails and comments about my "WordPress is better than Drupal" talks, presentations, videos, slide-shares, and rants. But believe it or not, I'm on Drupal's side! This post started out as a reply to one of those emails, but I feel it would be better to say this once to the world, rather than over and over again privately, in email.


DrupalCon Chicago: Recap

For those of you who weren't able to make it to DrupalCon this year — boy, did you miss out. Not because of the great sessions, continuous flow of Birds of a Feather talks or even the arcade in the sponsor hall (with pinball machine). DrupalCon's always been about networking with other people who have similar interests and aspirations — and Chicago didn't disappoint. Most of us actually spent more time talking and sharing with fellow Drupalistas than attending the sessions!


Chapter Three Website Redesign (Version 4.0)

It's with great satisfaction that I'd like to announce the completion of our new Chapter Three site redesign, into which we poured our very best efforts. We used this project as a playground to explore new methods and processes and discovered a few gems along the way.

First, let's look at the history of the Chapter Three website, now in version 4.0.
