Whether you are a project manager, product owner, developer, or content manager, you may have to submit issues, bug reports, tickets, or tasks. Whatever your project management tool calls t...
Ever since the word Symfony was first whispered on IRC there has been a lot of anxiety in the Drupal community about how much, and what kind of effort will be needed to port a contrib module from D...
At Chapter Three we have a Slack channel dedicated to sharing tech news, interesting articles, and general internet malarkey. On Friday we hold a sacred event called “Sharing Fridays” in which we s...
Personas are an insightful deliverable to help create better user experiences. They can be approached a number of ways depending on your end goals—whether you're redefining your brand voi...
Recently a team-mate needed to theme a Views exposed filter element from a <select> list into a series of <checkboxes>. Luckily, with the introduction of Twig and the ever-so-useful