Chapter Three Website Redesign 5.0
Joining Chapter Three
Using Page Tables to Deliver Meaningful Design
Presentation: Keeping Open Source Open
Pick on Your Performance Issues
Presentation: Catalyze your creativity and save time and money with open tools and resources
Can you have it all?
In an ideal world we would be able to get the things we want immediately, in perfect condition AND at just the right price (preferably free). Unfortunately the real world of business doesn’t work that way. We have to make some compromises and choose the project parameters we value most, while sacrificing others.
Presentation: Lean Site Building
How to Write for the Web
Good Web writing makes a site usable. Training content administrators on how to curate content for the Web is a critical component for making sites that people love.
Why your site should be using HTTPS
Does your website offer encrypted HTTPS connections to visitors? Do you use HTTPS by default for administrative logins or lead-generation forms? You may not think you need HTTPS if you just run a brochure marketing site and aren't asking for credit card information, but you might be putting both your site and your users at risk if you don't.